The information below is intended to address common homeowner and HOA related questions and concerns. If your question or concern is not addressed in the following, please feel free to contact our community manager

What are some issues to watch for and report to the community manager?

Even though our community manager drives through and inspects our neighborhood on a periodic basis, there are issues this type of inspection may overlook; for example:

  • A bee hive in the common areas or walls (bees leave their hive in the morning, then return at night)
  • Broken sprinkler heads in the common areas
  • Burned out light bulbs in the monuments

If you discover an issue needing attention, please contact our community manager for timely resolution.

What are some common concerns with respect to CC&R compliance and other neighborhood issues?

Our community has a very low level of CC&R non-compliance and other issues. This is a real testament to the vigilance of our homeowners to maintain the appearance and quality of life in our community. However, there are a number of common issues which represent the most CC&R violations and complaints from our residents, including:

  • Trash and recycling bins – these should be placed on the street no earlier than the night before pickup and removed from the street the same day/evening after pickup.
  • Weed control – this is a recurring problem in the spring time.
  • Roof rat prevention – ripened fruit needs to be removed as soon as possible from trees to help prevent roof rats.
  • Dog feces left in common areas and on homeowners’ properties.
  • Controlling speed while driving through the neighborhood.
  • Parking. Note: As a homeowner you may submit (online) a Parking Concern Form or Parking Enforcement form to the City of Tempe Police.

There is an issue and I’m frustrated with the HOA – What can I do?

In general, good communications and becoming more knowledgeable and involved with the HOA are essential. Some specific recommendations include the following:

  • At any time, please feel free to contact our community manager with any questions or concerns. Often times, issues are already being addressed and it’s just a matter of following a process and timeline to resolve the issue. Our community manager is the best point of contact to surface issues, inquire about the resolution of outstanding issues, or for clarification on the HOA’s process and timeline to resolve such issues.
  • Addressing your issue or concern directly with the board at a meeting may rectify an outstanding issue or concern.
  • Get involved in your HOA and attend the regularly scheduled board or annual meetings. Your input may influence a board decision.
  • Become a knowledgeable HOA homeowner by being aware of existing CC&R’s and architectural rules.